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Press Packet

The closest example to a press packet is the cover reveal format. It includes book cover, title and by line, (publisher and release date are optional), book blurb, purchase links + author pic (also optional), bio, and media links.

The packet is included with all blog tour stops (guest posts, interviews, excerpt, top ten, fab fives) or anything else you've done to promote your book.

Packet Example

dragon eye.jpg

Dragon Eye


Anna Simpson

Faux Publishing


Oct 31, 2018

Middle Grade Fantasy

Everyone wants a dragon until they have to feed one.


Rory's personal guard knows the little dragon is bursting with magic which could revitalize all the farmer's fields, and still rid an old man of his aches and pains. Too young to defend herself she's forced to run when the king discovers she could also be his source to eternal youth.

Anna Simpson and her family enjoy living the good life near the Canadian-US border. If you look for her online, you will have more luck Googling Emaginette, which is her web persona. I know she would be the first to thank you for reading her story.




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